2011年7月14日 星期四

台灣無比精采 : TAIWAN 100 [English Version] [HD]

Taiwan is the place full of diversity.
In addition to those magnificent mountains and ocean,
Taiwan is also full of culture and creativity,
and not to mention those tempting street foods and night markets.

With this film which captures Taiwan with her beauty from different angles,
We hope to let the world get to see that Taiwan is such a place full of wonders.

[ A Film by frogfree.com ]

Director: frog
Photo/Film: Paperbox / Tong / frog
Script: frog
Film Editing: Tong
Music: nono
English: +0

應觀眾要求 , ‎[台灣100無比精采]的英文版終於上線了 ,
在我填完詞後 , 以為自己押韻的功夫硬是了得 ,
但當我看到英文版也可以押韻時 , 我只能甘拜下風啊 ~
更讓我感到不可思議的是 , 英文版竟然也是跟我一樣押"ㄞ"的韻 ,
我的媽呀 , +0姐你實在太神奇啦 ,
感謝+0姐熱情的替我們將英文給譜了出來 !!!

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